• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Real Romance: Implosions of America

My fellow Americans, we are all so stupid and wishy-washy about love. Those of us in our 50s and beyond are also faced almost daily with the weird little gremlin of loss — loss of parents, loss of friends, loss of libido, loss of joy, loss of sanity, loss of things to hide beyond.

I shake my head here. So many people I know, my fellow parents, have spent their best years lying to themselves and driving their cars. We stop these games long enough to watch TV and drink. Haven’t we been confused?

But life is amazing. No need to get worked up about things. Nothing is any different than it used to be. Implosions of America: Lessons in Love, Loss, and Confusion is all about that.

I know. You read romance novels, fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers to escape. Implosions is not about escape. I’m sorry. It’s about life. And it’s about so much more…

There’s still time. Live, love, and pay attention.

I tweeted my concerns today for the book I am about to publish. It is strange how an impending publication date slaps you around as an author and takes you out of your little desktop game. Implosions of America is a series of somewhat dark tales that stand as lessons about love, loss and confusion. I call it like I feel it.

Here, read this sneak peak from Implosions on the inside in Works in Progress: https://davidbiddle.net/work-in-progress/

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