Flash growth and learning to survive. A version of this essay was originally published at Medium.com and then with The Good Men Project “Modern Identities” imprint I was 15 in 1973. It was the year my parents began their divorce. It […]
Old Music for New People: Coming Soon
So what’s the book about? Well, there’s a big conversation going on in this country right now about gender identity.
Maybe Everything Depends on the Wedding
What the writer leaves out is the fact that not only do the lovers travel into the sun (such a beautiful and straightforward metaphor for the future) but the rest of the world rides off with them as well.
After My Book Deal: Life Changing or Same Old Struggle?
But, yes, it’s hard to understand why people who write keep pushing the boulder of fiction up a bunch of hills.
Been Hunkered Down Remodeling
It really has been time for a lot of us to upgrade our blogs and websites. I finally bit the bullet and bought a new theme, then spent the next 10 hours trying to recover from my own stupidity. Things […]
Reviewers and Bloggers Desperately Needed for Implosions of America
My latest collection of nine stories needs reviewers and thoughtful readers to blog about it. I can’t get the book posted to any major indie distribution site without at least five reviews. I’ve got two right now. Check them out […]
The Smell of Water: a short passage from Ex:Urbia, a work-in-progress…
All of life is composed of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Mostly it is water that fills living cells and acts as the medium for organization and awareness. Water, then, could be God. And carbon, the devil. Or perhaps water is […]
Those Who Wake Up in Love
Love seems to be growing rarer and rarer in this world, doesn’t matter which kind I’m talking about. There’s vitriol and hostility everywhere — on all sides. I get it, I suppose. Love in every form requires vulnerability and courage. […]
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