• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Therapy for the Writer: Learning to Trust the Subuncular Mind

It’s all so simple! Years ago I learned how weird the creative mind is. Subconscious thought needs to be given a great deal of leeway in the artistic process. One of the first real short stories I wrote (real meaning […]

Teenage Wasteland: unanswered questions about the significance of music

For the past three decades I’ve been looking for novels and stories that illuminate the power of music. Rhythm linked with melody seems to go all the way to the depths of the human soul. This astonishes me. I have loved […]

Great Blogs to Read: Truth and Beauty – Young Adult Old Soul

I want to point you to a couple of independent writer/artists I’ve been in touch with while on vacation in Florida. See photos that have nothing to do with either author.  I read a great post by Laxmi Hariharan in […]

The Powers of Mind: An Introduction to the Mystery of the Cosmic Egg

My introduction to how mysterious and seemingly magical the human mind is came from a reading of POWERS OF MIND, at one time a national bestseller written by Adam Smith (a pseudonym for George Goodman, a high-end journalist and editor). […]

Indie Book Sites: Helping Readers and Writers

Photo Source: A Knife and a Quill homepage In the past 10 days two online indie book websites have featured my novel, Beyond the Will of God. On Sunday, July 8, Indies Unlimited provided a Sneak Peak both at their […]

Small Molecules in Chemical Space: we don’t know the half of it…

 www.catenane.net/home/naturepaper2009december.html Growing up in the 1960s, I watched my mother take handfuls of Thorazine, phenobarbital, and God knows what else, every morning after her first cup of coffee. She’d already been through electro-shock treatment and spent time in psychiatric facilities. […]

A New Lift: Re-Opening the Investigation of Consciousness

Can you feel it? There’s some lift going on again. The doors are open. So are the windows. And we’re starting to move. We’re not flying yet, but we’re certainly not tethered to asphalt anymore, either. The potential of the […]

A Free Sample Short Story from IMPLOSIONS OF AMERICA

Uph! Ya’ missed it. The story, “So Beautiful,” self-destructed at 10:37 PM, July 9, 2012.  You can find “So Beautiful” again in the story collection Implosions of America, due out in September and available in both Kindle and paperback editions. […]

Indies Unlimited Sneak Peak: July 8

Indies Unlimited is a great resource for independent authors and their readers. They post loads of information on quality books available at reasonable prices online. They also run a fabulous FaceBook page you should check out here: http://www.facebook.com/IndiesUnlimited At around […]