• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Anything and Everything: advice on reading and writing, plus desiring intimacy with that special weather person on TV

Near the end of my senior year of high school, I asked my favorite instructor for advice on becoming a writer. Mr. Stawski was an extremely gifted English teacher, a PhD with 30+ years of teaching under his belt, certainly […]

Making New Meaning: Fiction’s Role in Our New America

I want to add something to the endless discussion about why it’s important to read literary fiction. The discussion is important. You may have graduated from high school English class and feel like you never want to go back again, […]

“Magical Thinking” Without Defining Writing Talent

Over at The Millions Michael Bourne (the writer, not the center fielder) has an essay this week called “Magical Thinking: Talent and the Cult of Craft.” Lots of great comments and thinking come after his pretty thoughtful exploration of the question […]

Swimming Through the Sparkles

I’ve published two stories to the Kindle site at Amazon.com in the past week. They can both be found at the following Kindle links: What Goes Inside Her Miniature What Goes Inside is currently listed as #57 on the list […]