• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Why I Wrote a Novel by a Girl: When a Dude Figures Out the Power of Emotion in Literature

I just finished revising the second draft of my next novel, which means I now have Draft #3 to print out. I’m doing that as I write this post. The whole process started back in October of 2013. Draft #1 clocked […]

Bones of the Trade: An Argument for Pan-Human Poetics

All people are poets. Only some of us know this, but it’s true. Each person has these secret bones in them. This is pan-human. You need to know about these bones, though, to look for them, or you won’t know […]

Ralph Ellison and the Floating Self

No one is really sure, but March 1 was either Ralph Waldo Ellison’s 99th or 100th birthday. We have at least three copies of Invisible Man floating around our house. More than likely, if you ask, all three of my […]