• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Maybe Everything Depends on the Wedding

What the writer leaves out is the fact that not only do the lovers travel into the sun (such a beautiful and straightforward metaphor for the future) but the rest of the world rides off with them as well.

Making New Meaning: Fiction’s Role in Our New America

I want to add something to the endless discussion about why it’s important to read literary fiction. The discussion is important. You may have graduated from high school English class and feel like you never want to go back again, […]

When I Noticed We Stopped Thinking: Over Sangria and Marinated Meat

It was a warm weekend evening in September of 1985. We sat in our small urban backyard, pink clouds over-head, starting on a second pitcher of Sangria after a shish-ka-bob and salad dinner. I was more or less happy. I’d […]