• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Most people would love to have any of numerous magical powers. The most logical ones for this day and age are probably telepathy and psycho-time travel (also known as chronovoyance). Remote viewing and telekinesis are up there, too.

Specialized telekinesis talents, like the ability to control clock speeds, have been amply documented during the 20th century in several places around the world, most notably Israel, South Africa, and the French Cola Islands.

By 2010, other powers had been almost fully ruined by superhero movies. We know now that if people assume things are myths or just movie magic–like flying, super strength, invisibility–even time travel and thought control–people lose the ability to figure out whether they can actually do those things. And some people have always been able to whether they know it or not.

The elimination of anything super human from the possibility of imagination is a purely 21st century phenomenon. There is no telling how this is effecting cultural evolution. It may as well be the reason that so many people are caught up in silly (and imbecilic) conspiracy theories. That’s all most people have left.

(In preparation for the publication of my next novel, Sound Effect Infinity)

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