I do, however, want to share a number of ironies and interesting tidbits about An Inconvenient Truth that should at least be amusing, if not downright deep.
What Do Mistakes Say About Writers?
I can’t arrive at true and realistic final edits for my essays, articles, or even comments until I’ve posted online whatever I’ve composed in draft form offline.
Lonely Rebels Unite: It’s Novelicious
You go through quite a journey of discovery when you write a novel. The reason that long fiction is so important is because it’s an extended opportunity to learn and think about being in the world. Sometimes novels and their […]
Talking to Each Other Without Understanding Much at All
The tendency to see people through superficial stereotyping has become the norm. And the ease with which we all forget that when simplistically misjudging other people can affect whole families and communities.
Do You Know What You’re Missing?
I’ve had three guest posts up now at my publisher’s web site . Each of the pieces gives a bit of a different take on the origins of my novel, Old Music for New People. The read time for each […]
Those Who Wake Up in Love
Love seems to be growing rarer and rarer in this world, doesn’t matter which kind I’m talking about. There’s vitriol and hostility everywhere — on all sides. I get it, I suppose. Love in every form requires vulnerability and courage. […]
The Voice of the Rising Tide
I’ve been reading bits and pieces of Zen master and poet Thich Nhat Hanh’s The Miracle of Mindfulness for the past year. I posted a note on that back in January of 2020 called “The Enlightened and the Lonely.” It […]
What Possibility Imagination?
Specialized telekinesis talents, like the ability to control clock speeds, were amply documented during the 20th century in several places around the world, most notably Israel, South Africa, and the French Cola Islands.
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