• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

A Brief Scene from “Old Music for New People:” how to hold a knife

“First of all, you need to relax,” Mom said. She put her hand on Rita’s wrist. “Calm down. Never hold a paring knife like you want to kill someone. It’s not a weapon. It’s an instrument. You need to learn that. Maybe someday you’ll want to become a surgeon.”

What Possibility Imagination?

Specialized telekinesis talents, like the ability to control clock speeds, were amply documented during the 20th century in several places around the world, most notably Israel, South Africa, and the French Cola Islands.

My Story “Like They’re Waiting” Gets Published

About My Latest Story: “Animals with Nowhere to Go”

I was so happy to see my story, “Animals with Nowhere to Go”, published this month (January) at Jerry Jazz Musician. I wrote “Animals” specifically to enter the Jerry Jazz 55th short fiction contest last fall. Even though it only wound […]

BULL Men’s Fiction and The Cannibal Talks

My new story “MANY WAYS TO FIND OUT” was featured at the BULL magazine website earlier this week. Bull specializes in quality fiction (and some essays) directed in varying ways at the complexity and dynamics of masculinity here in 2017. […]

Swimming Through the Sparkles

I’ve published two stories to the Kindle site at Amazon.com in the past week. They can both be found at the following Kindle links: What Goes Inside Her Miniature What Goes Inside is currently listed as #57 on the list […]