• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Escape of “Sound Effect Infinity”

Beyond DNA

Life on the Outskirts of DNA: Transcending Race

I’m in the middle of writing a novel about 21st century racial identity, among other things. Also, pioneering, mixed race farming communities in the 19th century Midwest, and the future Utopia that we are all not going to know we’re […]

A Brief Scene from “Old Music for New People:” how to hold a knife

“First of all, you need to relax,” Mom said. She put her hand on Rita’s wrist. “Calm down. Never hold a paring knife like you want to kill someone. It’s not a weapon. It’s an instrument. You need to learn that. Maybe someday you’ll want to become a surgeon.”

What Possibility Imagination?

Specialized telekinesis talents, like the ability to control clock speeds, were amply documented during the 20th century in several places around the world, most notably Israel, South Africa, and the French Cola Islands.

Why There Are No Final Drafts

I completed the first draft of a story called “Millie Floating” in the fall of 2004. In those days, my goal was to edit a project until I had a final draft, at which time I could send it out […]

Lonely Rebels Unite: It’s Novelicious

You go through quite a journey of discovery when you write a novel. The reason that long fiction is so important is because it’s an extended opportunity to learn and think about being in the world. Sometimes novels and their […]

Talking to Each Other Without Understanding Much at All

The tendency to see people through superficial stereotyping has become the norm. And the ease with which we all forget that when simplistically misjudging other people can affect whole families and communities.

Do You Know What You’re Missing?

I’ve had three guest posts up now at my publisher’s web site . Each of the pieces gives a bit of a different take on the origins of my novel, Old Music for New People. The read time for each […]

The Old Music Part of Writing “New People”