• david.c.biddle@gmail.com
Philadelphia Inquirer Op-Ed on Gender Identity

At Play in the Land of Identity

A Brief Scene from “Old Music for New People:” how to hold a knife

“First of all, you need to relax,” Mom said. She put her hand on Rita’s wrist. “Calm down. Never hold a paring knife like you want to kill someone. It’s not a weapon. It’s an instrument. You need to learn that. Maybe someday you’ll want to become a surgeon.”

Brain on music

The Psychology of Sound

I’ve spent my entire life astounded by the magic of music, appreciating everything from opera and Gregorian chant to bluegrass and every kind of jazz there is. But what exactly is being touched in us and inspired when we listen […]

The Rest of the Hemingway Effect

Three excellent books on writing in the 2020s

Top 3 Worthwhile Books on Writing

Opposite of meditation?

The Opposite of Zen?

What Possibility Imagination?

Specialized telekinesis talents, like the ability to control clock speeds, were amply documented during the 20th century in several places around the world, most notably Israel, South Africa, and the French Cola Islands.

Freezing Our Asses Off at the Feet of Al Gore

Why There Are No Final Drafts

I completed the first draft of a story called “Millie Floating” in the fall of 2004. In those days, my goal was to edit a project until I had a final draft, at which time I could send it out […]