• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

What Do Mistakes Say About Writers?

Lonely Rebels Unite: It’s Novelicious

You go through quite a journey of discovery when you write a novel. The reason that long fiction is so important is because it’s an extended opportunity to learn and think about being in the world. Sometimes novels and their […]

Talking to Each Other Without Understanding Much at All

The tendency to see people through superficial stereotyping has become the norm. And the ease with which we all forget that when simplistically misjudging other people can affect whole families and communities.

Do You Know What You’re Missing?

I’ve had three guest posts up now at my publisher’s web site . Each of the pieces gives a bit of a different take on the origins of my novel, Old Music for New People. The read time for each […]

A July 4th Clip from “Old Music for New People” Chapter 11: Fireworks and Duds

That first shot of light into the night sky feels like they’re offering you a promise of magic that you’d forgotten about all year. There’s a single volley with a tail of faint light opening up a crack in the […]

The Old Music Part of Writing “New People”

So much to balance about life during the summer we are 15

The Summer We Are 15

Flash growth and learning to survive. A version of this essay was originally published at Medium.com and then with The Good Men Project “Modern Identities” imprint I was 15 in 1973. It was the year my parents began their divorce. It […]

My Story “Like They’re Waiting” Gets Published

Girl looking in a mirror

Writing in a Girl’s Voice

Never tell a character in your head to get lost A slightly different form of this essay was published in Medium.com One morning nearly ten years ago, a voice showed up in my head as I was walking up the stairs […]