• david.c.biddle@gmail.com

Sayonara Facebook: exactly 12 years

I have finally ended my connection to Facebook. The last post I made was a link to Greta Thurnberg’s and George Monbiot’s three-minute and thirty-nine second YouTube video on solving the climate change riddle. In preparation for shutting down my […]

The Enlightened and the Lonely

Anything and Everything: advice on reading and writing, plus desiring intimacy with that special weather person on TV

Near the end of my senior year of high school, I asked my favorite instructor for advice on becoming a writer. Mr. Stawski was an extremely gifted English teacher, a PhD with 30+ years of teaching under his belt, certainly […]

Your Font Choice Says A Lot About Something

Special Note: This post was composed a week prior to the decision to overhaul the theme for this website. Thus, the font reference below, “Domine,” is now anachronistic and passé. The font family here, now, is Lora. Apologies for any […]

BULL Men’s Fiction and The Cannibal Talks

My new story “MANY WAYS TO FIND OUT” was featured at the BULL magazine website earlier this week. Bull specializes in quality fiction (and some essays) directed in varying ways at the complexity and dynamics of masculinity here in 2017. […]

Making New Meaning: Fiction’s Role in Our New America

I want to add something to the endless discussion about why it’s important to read literary fiction. The discussion is important. You may have graduated from high school English class and feel like you never want to go back again, […]


Preening, Bullying, and Lying in America: Do We Have a Leader Yet?

Note: The image to the right is not real. It is fake. It is not a dead parrot, but it is not a real parrot either. Reading and listening to the mainstream media, it has been suggested that this new president […]

Why I Love Ayn Rand’s Books But Am Still a Liberal

A Repost from 2013, slightly modified: This piece got a lot of play over at OpenSalon (when it was open). It was an “Editor’s Pick” and got more than 2,000 views, plus a good number of comments. That was back in […]

Been Hunkered Down Remodeling

It really has been time for a lot of us to upgrade our blogs and websites. I finally bit the bullet and bought a new theme, then spent the next 10 hours trying to recover from my own stupidity. Things […]